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path counting.tex (1553B)

      1 \begin{algorithmic}
      2 	\Function{Path counting}{}
      3 		\FunctionInputs{}  \(G=(\entitySet, \arcSet, \gfendpoints, \gfrelation, \gfsentence)\) relation multigraph
      4 		\FunctionInputs*{} \(k\) paths length
      5 		\FunctionOutput{}  \(C\) relation paths counter
      6 		\State
      7 		\LComment{Initialization}
      8 		\State \(C \gets \text{new counter}\ \relationSet^k \to \symbb{R}\ \text{initialized at 0}\)
      9 		\LComment{Main Loop}
     10 		\Loop
     11 			\LComment{Initialize the importance weight with \(\symcal{W}^k\)}
     12 			\State \(w \gets \left(\symbf{1}\transpose \mtrx{M}^k \symbf{1}\right)^{-1}\)
     13 			\Comment{\(\mtrx{M}\) is the adjacency matrix}
     14 			\State Initialize empty walk \(\vctr{a}=()\)
     15 			\State Sample \(v\sim \uniformDistribution(\entitySet)\)
     16 			\State \(w \gets n \times w\)
     17 			\Comment{Update \(w\) following the sampling of \(v\)}
     18 			\For{\(i=1,\dotsc,k\)}
     19 				\State Sample \(x\sim\uniformDistribution(\gfincidents(v))\)
     20 				\State \(w \gets w \times \gfdegree(v)\)
     21 				\Comment{Accumulate \(1\divslash\symcal{F}^k\)}
     22 				\If{\(\gfsource(x) = v\)}
     23 				\Comment{Continue with \(\gfendpoints(x)\setminus\{v\}\)}
     24 					\State Append \(x\) to \(\vctr{a}\)
     25 					\State \(v\gets \gftarget(x)\)
     26 				\Else
     27 					\State Append \(\breve{x}\) to \(\vctr{a}\)
     28 					\State \(v\gets \gfsource(x)\)
     29 				\EndIf
     30 			\EndFor
     31 			\If{\(\vctr{a}\) is a path}
     32 				\State \(\vctr{r} \gets (\gfrelation(a_i))_{1\leq i\leq k}\)
     33 				\Comment{Take the relations of \(\vctr{a}\)}
     34 				\State \(C[\vctr{r}] \gets C[\vctr{r}] + w\)
     35 			\EndIf
     36 		\EndLoop
     37 		\State \Output \(C\)
     38 	\EndFunction
     39 \end{algorithmic}